I was so excited when Jessica reached out to schedule a photography session for their 10 year wedding anniversary. Ten short years ago, I photographed their wedding right here in Chatham-Kent. It was my first wedding as a lead photographer and I was full of nerves. Thankfully, they were an amazingly sweet couple that made the transition from second photographer to lead photographer easy for me.
A lot can change in ten years. These two now have two adorable daughters. The girls had me laughing and smiling the whole time and reminiscing to when my own children were young and full of energy. What hasn’t changed? Their love for each other. John and Jessica were just as cute as they were 10 years ago on their wedding day. Somehow, they have managed to age backwards.
It was a pleasure to reconnect and see where life has taken them. Let me share some of my favourite photos from their Downtown Chatham Anniversary Shoot.